
雅思官方口語真題 雅思口語評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

2024年【出國留學(xué)】申請條件/費(fèi)用/專業(yè)咨詢 >>






1.How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you?

I will be quite annoyed if people don’t return my belongings after borrowing it from me. The main reason event I think they are not honest and cannot keep their promises. Also I think I will be very disappointed because I only borrowed things to people when I trust them.

2.Do you like to lend things to others?

Well, I do not mind lending things to people but I do not like that. Because from my understanding I think it is people’s responsibility to buy their own things and should not always borrow things from others. And it is very annoying when I cannot get my things back after I borrowed them to others. 3.Have you ever borrowed money from others?

Well, I have borrowed money from others before. For example, last summer holiday I borrowed 500 grands from my father to buy a pair of shoes, but I returned them soon after I got my salary from my internship. Frankly speaking, I do not borrow money quite often.

3.Have you ever borrowed books from others?

Yes, I have borrowed books from others before. From my memory I had borrowed some books about science and technology from one of my friends because I was very interested in that subject but do not have any related books. I think it is a good way to learn from each other by lending and borrowing books, and it is also very convenient.

Visit relatives

1.When was the last time you visited a relative?

From my memory, I think it was during last winter holiday that I visited my relative. Last winter holiday, I went back to my hometown in Sichuan, and spent 40 days with my family and friends. During the Chinese New Year, I also paid a visit to one of my relatives.

2.Do you often visit your relatives?

Well, not really. Living in modern cities, people tend to be separated from their relatives, and I am no exception. On average, I only visit my relatives two times a year, often during the Chinese New Year and the Tomb Sweeping Festival.

3.Why do people visit their relatives?

Personally speaking, I reckon that people visit their relatives in order to cultivate their kinships with them. You know, after all we share the same blood with relatives, and sometimes we need to strengthen our relationships with them and keep a relatively strong connection with them.

4.What do you do when visiting relatives?

When I visit my relatives, one of the most popular activities is to play cards with them. Playing cards is a highly popular and entertaining activity in China, and it is also a nice day to strengthen friendships with your friends. During my visit to relatives, we usually play cards all day along.


1.Is it important for children to play outdoors?

Yes I do think that it is very important for children to play outdoors because I think it is crucial to let children grow holistically. By playing outdoors children could have a better physical health and mental health, and can make more friends with their peers.

2.Did you often go over to your friends’ house when you were going?

Yes I do visit my friend’s house quite often. For example I often go to my best friend Jack’s house during the weekend or holiday when we will have so much fun together. Usually we will watch some movies or play some computer games together and I really enjoy it.

3.Did you like to go outside when you were young?

Well I think for every child it is always a fun thing to go outside and play around and I am no exception. From my memory I can still remember that when I was a child I would like to play with my friends I’ll sign our apartment where it would chase after each other.

4.Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?

Well I do prefer outdoors. Growing up in big cities, we are accustomed to sitting in doors working or studying for hours without any outdoor activities. For staying outdoors is very important for our physical and mental health, and no matter how busy we are, we should always spare some time for outdoor activities.



1.流利度 & 連貫性














4.關(guān)于考試用英音還是美音。官方不強(qiáng)調(diào)發(fā)音,我們盡量一致,用自己的口音??荚嚽捌趹?yīng)把更多精力放在長度上。如果所有答案都非常短,考官問什么都只是yes ,I do.即使發(fā)音好聽也沒有意義。

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本文來源: http://yangzhi902.com/news/78922.html

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