
英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)話題表達(dá)范文 英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)背誦素材

2024年【出國(guó)留學(xué)】申請(qǐng)條件/費(fèi)用/專(zhuān)業(yè)咨詢 >>





1.I have many colleagues and co-workers whom I think to be very proactive and talented and among them, Iwould like to mention (…say a name…) whom I really enjoy working with. I have been working with him for the last 2 years and during this time I have always found him to be very talented, focused and deadline oriented co-workers. With him, all of my assignments and tasks were completed with perfect harmony and time.


Since both of us work in the same office, we work for the same company but we often work in different projects. When we both are assigned to the same project, we work almost most of the office time together.


In the office, we mostly spend our time like two good colleagues and besides this, he has become a good friend of mine. We often go near a lake to have some fresh air, we go to a restaurant to have our lunch and sometimes we meet other friends. In the office, we often discuss the tasks and share our opinion on how to solve an emerging issue.


I like to work with him mostly because of his pro-activeness and talent. He is a very good problem solver and always shows a professional and positive attitude to address a solution. He is a good team member and can work really hard to solve a problem. Apart from those qualities, he is a good listener and knows when to talk and when to remain silent. These are some great and exemplary qualities someone would seek from a team member and because of all these good qualities I enjoy and like to work with him.


2.Mr Robertson is the CEO of my office and a hard worker. I have never seen such an active person like him before in my career. He is a very smart person and has a short beard. But he looks outstanding with his height. He is six feet tall. Mr Robertson has an outstanding skill to impress people with his speeches. And he never argues with people even if they are wrong. Though he works in the same company where I am employed, I would like to work closely with him as I believe it would give a valuable opportunity to learn many things important for a career growth.


Basically, he is the boss of my office. This is a local manufacturing company in New York City. He takes care of the company. The early life of this person was filled with agonies. So, he tries to care for all of his employees. Moreover, he is also responsible for running some other business organization apart from this one. He is also an influential member of the local business association. So, he passes a very busy time during the working days.


I know the person for the past five years. In fact, it was my first job at his organization and I have been continuing here without any interval. And I wish to work here as long as I can. During this time, I have met him a number of times. In each of the meet, I have learned something newer. In the beginning, I did not have the idea that this shabby man would be the boss of this company until I met him officially for the first time in his office.


Working with Mr Robertson will enrich my knowledge and skills. Besides, he is supportive of his staffs and loves to share his experience. Further, a sense of happiness works inside while working with him. For all such grounds, I want to work with Mr Robertson.



學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)少不了一個(gè)英語(yǔ)外教進(jìn)行輔導(dǎo),至于如何找到外國(guó)人陪練口語(yǔ),分享一個(gè)小編一直在用的app:留小留,可以隨時(shí)和世界各地的Native Speaker進(jìn)行一對(duì)一的口語(yǔ)對(duì)練,里面有很多專(zhuān)業(yè)的外教可以選擇。用起來(lái)就跟打微信語(yǔ)音電話一樣,語(yǔ)音質(zhì)量很清晰。這個(gè)是最讓小編感到意外且性價(jià)比超級(jí)高的一個(gè)APP了。小編長(zhǎng)期練習(xí)的一個(gè)語(yǔ)伴是英國(guó)的Leila,她不僅口音純正,而且人超級(jí)nice,她本人還是一個(gè)攝影師,小編也經(jīng)常跟她交流攝影方面的技巧。




1. how are you doing?(你好嗎?)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

2. i’m doing great.(我過(guò)得很好。)

3. what’s up?(出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?)??

4. nothing special.(沒(méi)什么特別的。)

5. hi. long time no see.(嗨,好久不見(jiàn)了。)? ? ? ? ??

6. so far so good.(到目前為止,一切都好。)

7. things couldn’t be better.(一切順利。)? ? ? ? ? ??

8. how about yourself?(你自己呢?)

9. today is a great day.(今天是個(gè)好日子。)? ? ? ? ??

10. are you making progress?(有進(jìn)展嗎?)

11. may i have your name, please?(請(qǐng)問(wèn)尊姓大名?)??

12. i’ve heard so much about you.(久仰大名。)

13. i hope you’re enjoying your staying here.(希望你在這里過(guò)得愉快。)

14. let’s get together again.(改天再聚聚。)? ? ? ? ??

15. that’s a great idea!(好主意?。? ? ? ? ? ??

16. please say hello to your mother for me.(請(qǐng)代我向你母親問(wèn)好。)

17. i’m glad to have met you.(很高興遇到你。)??

18. don’t forget us.(別忘了我們。)

19. keep in touch.(保持聯(lián)系。)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

20. i had a wonderful time here.(我在這里度過(guò)了難忘的時(shí)光。)

21. have a nice weekend.(周末愉快。)? ? ? ? ? ? ??

22. same to you.(彼此彼此。)

23. nice talking to you.(很高興與你聊天。)? ? ? ? ??

24. take care of yourself.(自己當(dāng)心/照顧好你自己。)

25. thank you for everything.(謝謝你的多方關(guān)照/你為我所做的一切。)?

26. thank you all for coming.(謝謝光臨。)? ? ? ? ??

27. i appreciate your help.(我感謝你的幫助。)?

28. you’re always welcome.(別客氣/不用謝)? ?

29. forget it.(算了吧)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??

30. it was my pleasure.(不用謝。)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

31. i made a mistake.(我弄錯(cuò)了。)? ? ?


1.No way!不行!

2.Go for it! 加油!



5.It's on me.我來(lái)付。

6.Count me on 算上我。

7.Easy does it.慢慢來(lái)。

8.Cheap skate!小氣鬼!

9.Who Cares!誰(shuí)管你呀!

10.Come on! 來(lái)嘛!拜托!

11.Don't push me.別逼我。

12.Far from it.一點(diǎn)也不。

13.It's unfair.太不公平了。

14.You asked for it.你自找的。

15.Be my guest.請(qǐng)便,別客氣。

16.It slipped my mind.我忘了。

17.Back in a moment!馬上回來(lái)!

18.It slipped my mind.我忘了。?

19.Drop me a line.寫(xiě)封信給我。

20.Stop complaining!別發(fā)牢騷!

21.Have a nice day.祝你今天愉快。

22.No doubt about it!勿庸置疑!

23.Stop messing around!別鬼混了!

24.Don't get me wrong!你搞錯(cuò)了!

25.Don't give me that!少來(lái)這套!

26.Don't let me down!別讓我失望!

27.So what? 那又如何?那又怎樣?

28.Out of the question!不可能的!

29.He came by train.他乘火車(chē)來(lái)。

30.Never heard of it!沒(méi)聽(tīng)說(shuō)過(guò)!

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本文來(lái)源: http://yangzhi902.com/news/77005.html

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