
雅思口語關(guān)于公園的話題 20個雅思口語常見話題整理

2024年【出國留學】申請條件/費用/專業(yè)咨詢 >>






雅思口語part2:Describe a park/garden you like visiting

You should say:

Where the park is

When you visit it

What the park is like

And explain why you like visiting it

Part 3

What are the benefits that a park can bring to a city?

Should people help clean public gardens?

Do young people go to the park very often?

Why do some people plant flowers at home?


Sure, there's a garden here in Edinburgh that I really love. Well, actually it's more than a garden, it's like a park, It's called Princes Street Gardens and it's very large. Apparently it was created from an old loch, like a lake, which dried up.

It's been there for hundreds of years now and has a lot of trees, plants, flowers and other interesting things like statues, monuments and fountains and stuff like that.

It's a public garden and every day you can see hundreds of people there - some of them are tourists visiting Edinburgh - and others are just walking through the gardens on their way to someplace, or you can often see people sitting having something to eat or drink at one of the cafes.

Just last week I saw several people sitting on some of the benches reading, now that the weather has turned nice again.

I used to go to the gardens a lot when I first arrived here from abroad. I found it very relaxing - so much greenery - in the middle of the capital city.

Now I try to go every couple of weeks to explore a little and learn a bit more about the gardens. I have some favourite places in the gardens, for example, the Ross Fountain, and there are many other monuments and commemorative sites which honor explorers, reformers, and volunteers and people who died in various wars and for various causes throughout history.

It's almost like walking through a history book sometimes. I would love to have enough time to learn about all of them.

But one of the things I like most is that you can always find a quiet place to be by yourself if you go - or you can go to different parts where there are a lot of people all around - there's a lot of variety and you can see, and sometimes even meet, people from all over the world.

I suppose if you were really interested in flowers and trees and things like that it would be a great place to spend some time too.

Flowers don't really interest me, but it's easy to see that there are a lot of different plants and shrubs throughout the gardens.

Personally, I just like going there because there is always something to do and different people to see, and to see how different the gardens look as the seasons change.


Do your friends visit this garden too?

Yes, some of them do, but not all of them. Sometimes I go with two or three friends, but I also like going by myself whenever I can, just to relax.

Do you think gardens are important for people?

For some people, yes, but not for all people. Some people aren't really interested in gardens - so they don't really appreciate the beauty and tranquility you can find there.

But it's important to have gardens in cities or urban areas because it helps people reconnect with nature which is difficult to do when you're surrounded by concrete structures.

What are the benefits of gardens for different age groups?

Well, I suppose some of the benefits are the same irrespective of age - I mean children and older people can both enjoy the flowers and colors of a garden, but children might enjoy playing on the grass or in the special play areas provided for them while older people might like to simply sit and enjoy the peacefulness and fresh air.

Should governments encourage more gardens in cities?

Personally, I believe they should because they are extremely important for many people. As I mentioned before, for some people it's the only opportunity they get to see any greenery if they never get out of the city.

Gardens are also usually a quiet place you can escape to amongst the hustle and bustle of the city - which can help people relax or just have a quick break from their normal hectic routines, so yes it's a good idea if governments or city planning authorities include plenty of gardens and other green areas when they plan urban developments.


雅思口語話題1. Whatkind of differences in the cultures are you expecting between China and the UK?

雅思口語話題2. Whateffect do you think your studies will have on your career when you get back toChina?

雅思口語話題3. Whatdo you intend to do after you graduate?

雅思口語話題4. Whatwill be some of your challenges you foresee when you come back to China?

雅思口語話題5. Doyou think you'll have any problems adjusting back to life in China?

雅思口語話題6. Whatkind of changes will you have to make when you come back to China?

雅思口語話題7. Doyou think there might be a gap between what you learned from your studies andthe level of knowledge you will encounter on arrival?

雅思口語話題8. Arethere any special places you want to see in Canada? What are they?

雅思口語話題9. Whatkind of things do you particularly want to do in Canada that you can't do here?

雅思口語話題10. Howdo you like your life in X X X University?

雅思口語話題11.What do you think of the training you got in the university?

雅思口語話題12.What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?

雅思口語話題13. Canyou compare American English with British English?

雅思口語話題14.What sports are played in your country?

雅思口語話題15.Could you describe the traditional architecture of your country?

雅思口語話題16.Could you tell me why you chose to study at the University of X?

雅思口語話題17.What are sporting facilities like in your hometown?

雅思口語話題18.What are you going to major in?

雅思口語話題19. Areyou going to do your own cooking when you are at university?

雅思口語話題20.What do you think you will be doing in five years' time?



1. 用 cos 來代替 because 引導原因

2. 用 like 代替 For example 舉例,因為 like 更口語化

3. 學會用一些停頓語氣詞,像 well, you know 等,還可以用 “how shall I put it?”表達自然自語式的說 “怎么說呢”

4. 可以選擇用“etc., and the like, or whatever, and stuff like that” 表達“等等”的時候

5. 學會使用副詞來表達一定語氣,totally(完全地),really(非常低),absolutely(及其,絕對滴), actually, basically(主要基本上), obviously(很明顯地), unfortunately(不幸地)等,其實在美國人口中,經(jīng)常能這些副詞

6. Most of the time, …, but sometimes … 這個結(jié)構(gòu)很有用。小軟覺得在part 3中,這個結(jié)構(gòu)很適用于總分結(jié)構(gòu)的回答。It depends, but generally …這個結(jié)構(gòu)也很實用

7. 可用 mate/buddy 代替 friend 或 best friend

8. 可用 flick/flicks 代替 film 或者 movie,同樣 watch/see a film, 也可用 catch a flick 代替

9. 用 tasty 或 yummy 代替 delicious,說實在的,外國人很少用 delicious這個單詞

10. 用 “amazing, awesome, incredible, marvelous”代替 great 或是 good

11. 用 “really pretty,charming,attractive 或 gorgeous”代替 beautiful

12. 用 “pricey”來表達 expensive

13. 用 “a smash hit”代替 popular 表達“某東西很火”

14. 用 “catch forty winks”表示 “小憩一會兒”have a nap

15. 用"help me chill/wind down.”代替 relax 表示放松

16. 用 “a while”代替 a moment 表示“一會兒,一段時間”

17. 用“go up”代替 rise 表示“上升”;用“go down”代替 decline 表示“下降”

18. 表達一個人很現(xiàn)實,可以用“realistic”和“materialistic”( 人很物質(zhì)化)

19. 還有可以用“in”表示“流行,時髦”,如“in nest” 最時髦,最時尚

20. 用 “out of date/style”, 或者直接用 “out”來表示“過時,老土”

21. 用 “state of the art”代替 advance 表示“最先進的”

22. 用“we really had a marvelous time”代替 have fun 表示“我們玩得特爽”

23. 用 “down”代替 unhappy 表示“失落,沮喪”,還有 “l(fā)et sb down”表示“讓…失望”

24. 用 “exhausted/dead beat/worn out”代替 tired 表示“累”

25. 用“available”代替 free 表示“自己有空”

26. 用 “it takes me ages”代替 it takes a long time 表示“做某事花老半天”

27. 用“donkey years”代替 a long time 表達 “很長時間”

28. 用 “hang out with my mates”代替 play with 表示“和朋友一起玩兒”

29. 用 “the best thing of ….is …”代替 one of the advantages/Benefits 表達“什么的最大的好處”

30. 用 “stuff”代替 thing 表達“東西,事情,物品,題材等概念時”

31. 用 “well off”代替 rich 表達“富裕,有錢,條件好”; 用 “l(fā)oaded”(豪門黑金的級別簡直就是),或 “have money to burn.”來表達“特別有錢”; 用 “broke”表達“窮”

32. 用 “the haves, the have-nots.”來表達“富人,窮人”

33. 用 “be fed up with…或者 have had enough of…”代替 bored 表達“對…膩了,受夠了”

34. 用 “the rat race”代替 the severe competition 表達“城市里的激烈競爭”

35. 用“have 10 days off”表示“放十天假”

36. 用 “Christmas is just half a month away.”表達“還有半個月就是圣誕了”

37. 用 “our birthdays are just 2 days apart.”表達“我們倆生日就差2天”

38. 用“to put it simply.”代替 Simply speaking 表達“簡單來講”

39. 用 “to put it another way”代替 in the other words 表達“換句話講”

40. 用 “a big headache或 a real pain.”來表達“讓人很煩,很頭痛的人或事”

41. 用 “kill time”來表達“消磨時間”

42. 用 “a real drag”來表達“乏味,無聊的人或事”; 用 “a drag on sb.”表達“負擔,累贅”

43. 用 “put on/gain weight”表達“體重增加”; 用 “l(fā)ose a few pounds 或者 shed a few pounds.” ,或用 “get slim/thin.”表達“減肥,瘦身”; 用 “get exercise或 work out.”表達“鍛煉”

44. 用 “idolize”表達“崇拜”; 用“idol”表達“偶像”; 用 “showbiz.”表達“娛樂圈”; 用 “ a big name”表達“名人”; 用 “showy”表達“花哨”; 用 “a good/bad name”表達“名聲好壞”

45. 用 “the name of the game.”表達“問題的實質(zhì);最為重要的方面;事情的根本目標”

46. 用 “you(could) name it.”代替 every kinds 表達“應(yīng)有盡有”

47. 用 “Our dog answers to the name of…”代替 called 或者 named 表達“我們家狗的名字叫…”

48. 用 “scary”代替 horrible 表達“恐怖”

49. 用 “disgusting”代替 sick 表示“惡心”

50. 用 “catchy”表達“某樣東西,一首歌,或一個名字朗朗上口,容易記住”

51. 用 “tourist spots”表達“景點”

52. 用 “spots”表達“痘痘”

53. 用 “stylist”表達“造型師”

54. 用 “stunning”表達“極為震撼,極為漂亮”

55. 用 “Sometimes, I just want some time alone.”表達“有時候我就想一個人待會兒”

56. 用 “I really enjoy their company.”表達“我很喜歡跟他們在一起”

57. 用 “spend more time with them.”表達“多陪陪他們”

58. 用 “He’s a terribly nice guy.”表達“他是一個特別好的人”

59. 用 “packed out.”表達“特別擠”

60.用 “l(fā)ousy”表達“糟糕,差勁,次”


雅思口語的話題練習是至關(guān)重要的,此外想要雅思口語說得地道,那么雅思口語找到一個專業(yè)的外教進行練習還是很有必要的。分享一下我在用的app:留小留,可以隨時和世界各地的Native Speaker進行一對一的口語對練,里面有很多專業(yè)的雅思外教可以選擇,而且還有前雅思高級考官,強烈建議考試前跟雅思考官模擬測試一下。這個軟件用起來就跟打微信語音/視頻電話一樣,質(zhì)量很清晰。這個是最讓我感到意外且性價比超級高的一個APP了。我長期練習的一個外教陪練是英國的Leila,她不僅口音純正,而且人超級nice,她本人還是一個攝影師,我也經(jīng)常跟她交流攝影方面的技巧。


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本文來源: http://yangzhi902.com/news/75365.html

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