
雅思考試口語主題 雅思官方口語真題

2024年【出國留學】申請條件/費用/專業(yè)咨詢 >>





Part 1 的主題包含家鄉(xiāng)、學業(yè)、興趣愛好、未來規(guī)劃等,知?內容與日常生活較為貼近,難度較低。
? ? ? Part 2 有五大主題:人物& 動物、物品、地點、事件和媒體。這五大主題包含的話題有道上百個,但是不少話題都能相互串聯(lián),考生也可以提前準備。
? ? ? Part 3 的問題主要分為六大類:個人觀點類、對比比較類、問題解決回類、優(yōu)缺點類、前景預答測類和解釋原因類。這些問題通常較為抽象,是根據(jù)考生Part 2 的答案延伸出來的。


People & Animal

Work or Studies Q: What work do you do?

Friends Q: What do you thinks make good friends? Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood? What kind of people do you like to make friends with? Do you think your are a good friends for others?


Walking Q: Where do you usually take a walk? Do you walk more often than in the past? Do you walk a lot? Do you think people will walk more in the future?

Concentration Q: Is it difficult for you to stay foucused on something? When do you need to be foucused? What do you do to help you concentrate? What made you distructed you when you trying to stay foucused?

Objects / Things

Movies Q: What kinds of movies do you think young people like? What’s your farvorite movie? Do you friends like this movie? Do you want to be a movie star?

Animals Q: Have you ever kept pets? Do you like to go to the zoo? Have you ever seen any wild animal before? What wild animal do you like most?

Languages Q: Will you learn other languages in the future? Do you think it’s difficult to learn a new language? What languages can you speak? Why do you learn English?

Voices Q: Has you voice ever changed? Do you enjor recording your voice and listening to it? Do you like your own voice? Dose your voice soud similar to your parents?

Jeans Q: Do you like wearing jeans? Why? How often do you wearjeans? Do you wear jeans? Why do you think jeans are popular

Haircut Q: Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience? How long have you had you current haircut? Do you like having your haircut? How often do you have a haircut?


Market Are there many street market in China?

Countryside Q:What do you usually do in the countryside? Will you live in the countryside in the future? Have you ever lived in countryside? Do you enjoy living in countryside?

Home/Accommodation Q: Who do you live with? What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? Do you live in house or flat? What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? Can you describe the place where you live? What room does your family spend most of the time in? What do you usually do in your flat? Are the transport facilities to your home very good? Do you prefer living in a flat or a house?

Hometown Q: what’s(the name of) your hometown? Where is your hometown? Is that a big city or a small place? How long have you been living there? Do you like your hometown? Is there anything you dislike about it? What do you like most about your hometown? Do you like living there? Please describe your hometown a little.Do you think you will continue living there for a long time.

Area Q: Where do you like to go in that area? Do you know any famous people in your area? What has some changes in the area recently? Do you like the area that you live in?

Outdoor Q: Is it important for children to play outdoors? Do you often go over to you friends’ house when were you young? Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?


雅思口語話題1部分經(jīng)常圍繞考生的Personal Infor?mation展開,包括:

學習工作類,如what is your opinion about your job/major 。

興趣愛好類,如What do you usually do in your free time 。

鄉(xiāng)背景類介紹,如can you say something different about your hometown。

這一類考題所涉及到的話題經(jīng)常圍繞于music, reading, TV, film, sport, Internet…



食-話題,如中傳統(tǒng)食物與西方食物的對比介紹,吃飯地點的選擇問題,時下受歡迎的飯店類型,也會關注健康類話題,如:how to lead ahealthy life ?




人物類側重于famous person, old person, children這幾類人。



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