
雅思口語part2動物 雅思口語part2技巧

2024年【出國留學(xué)】申請條件/費(fèi)用/專業(yè)咨詢 >>






Describe an interesting animal.

You should say:

what animal it is

where it lives (or, you have seen it)

what it looks like and explain your feelings about this animal.


The Beauty ---- Mandarin ducks

I happened to meet the Mandarin Ducks over the years in the wild area of Ampere Garden, in ponds along the big drainage. And, I'm 100% sure they were not normal Ducks. It was 'in the wild' and free to fly off whenever it wanted to!

The male mandarin duck is way more colorful, his breast is purple with two vertical white bars and the flanks ruddy, with two orange "sails" at the back. The female is similar to female Wood Duck, all dark green brown. Male Mandarin ducks are considered by many to be the most beautifully colored of all waterfowl.

In China, the mandarin duck is associated as a Chinese weddings symbol, because it symbolizes wedded bliss and fidelity. A Chinese proverb for loving couples uses the Mandarin Duck as a metaphor: "Two mandarin ducks playing in water". Mandarin ducks are always depicted in a pair – it is said that if the ducks were separated, they would pine for each other and die of loneliness. Dying of loneliness for love might only be a romantic myth and a cheerful reflection of people's attitude to reality.

Anyway, I love these lovely creatures; I wish I could raise one.



當(dāng)你拿到話題卡后,迅速瀏覽最上面的標(biāo)題,千萬不要錯(cuò)看或漏看任何一個(gè)單詞。由于考生在考前都有大量準(zhǔn)備,許多口語話題在腦海中已經(jīng)形成慣性。比如 ‘Describe a dream you have had in mind since the childhood.’,如果考生講的是現(xiàn)在的夢想,就會失分;再如 ‘Describe an unforgettable (or, enjoyable) activity that you have taken part in as part of your English study.’, 如果考生一直在說一個(gè)和英語學(xué)習(xí)無關(guān)的活動,即使再難忘也跑題了。


比如有道題目讓學(xué)生描述‘A class or course that you have studied (or are studying now)’,最后一個(gè)提示點(diǎn)為‘And explain how useful this class was (or is) towards your future goals.’ 如果考生沒有注意到這個(gè)提示點(diǎn),很有可能只是對該課程的好處大談特談,而忽略 “這門課程對你未來的目標(biāo)有什么幫助”。即使你說的再流利,也因?yàn)椴磺蓄}而扣分了。


話題卡前兩個(gè)提示點(diǎn)大都關(guān)于 ‘Who’ ‘What’ ‘Where’ ‘When’等背景信息的描述,所以考生可以利用10秒鐘時(shí)間迅速在你的稿紙上記錄一下時(shí)間,地點(diǎn)和所講述的人或物的名稱。對于這些背景信息,最好能夠用縮寫或者用只有你自己才能夠讀懂的略寫的方式,比如長城你可以直接寫作 ‘GW’, 紫禁城可寫作 ‘F city’。有時(shí)候,你也可以直接在稿紙上簡單的畫上兩筆,以作提示。


話題卡的第三個(gè)提示點(diǎn)基本上詢問 ‘Why…’和 ‘How…’。比如對于一件物品,會問 ‘Why you bought it’;對于一本書,會問 ‘Why you read it’;對于一件事,會問 ‘Why it is unforgettable (or, why you enjoyed it)’。

當(dāng)然,有的時(shí)候也會通過‘What…’讓考生進(jìn)行細(xì)節(jié)的描述,比如描述一位老師,會問 ‘What was special about him/her.’;描述一位餐廳,會問 ‘What its environment looks like’;描述人物性格,會問 ‘What is his/her personality and lifestyle’。所以,對于話題描述的主體部分,考生最好能夠列出幾個(gè)點(diǎn),可以是關(guān)鍵詞或短語,但最好不要用長句子。另外,要注意各個(gè)點(diǎn)之間的聯(lián)系和點(diǎn)與點(diǎn)之間的銜接,按照一定的時(shí)間或者空間順序。


話題卡中最后一問通常以 ‘Explain how…’ 或者 ‘Explain what and how…’, 有時(shí)候也通過疑問句來引導(dǎo)考生說出自己的感受或觀點(diǎn),比如 ‘Are you going to change it in the future? Why or why not’, ‘What made it so memorable for you?’ ‘What made the movie so appealing to you?’ 等等。在雅思口語培訓(xùn)過程中,筆者通常會提供給考生一些關(guān)于心理感受的詞或短語,甚至要求考生背誦相應(yīng)的2-3個(gè)描述心理活動的段落。






1. Is there anywhere you would particularly like to visit on your holidays? Where and why?

2. Let's talk a little about traveling and transport. For long trips, how do you prefer to travel?

3. Tell me about the kind of accommodation you live in, either this country or in your hometown.

4. Let's talk about your hometown or village. What kind of place is it?

5. What do you usually do in your holidays?

6. Why do you think trains are better than buses?

7. Can you tell me something about your family?

8. Do you have children?

9. What is your child's name?

10. What is your son/daughter like? Tell me about his/her personality.

11. What does your wife/husband do for a living?

12. When did you get married?

13. Tell me something about your wedding, please. Did you have any kind of ceremony?

14. What did you/your wife wear on your wedding day?

15. Where did you go for your honeymoon?

16. Did you have to ask for permission from your parents before you got married?

17. Could you tell me what happens at a wedding in your country?

18. What kind of parent do you intend to be?

19. What hope or fears do you have for your children?

20. What sort of culture do you hope your child will grow up in?

21. As a parent, do you plan to raise your child differently from how your parents raised you?

22. How different is your life from the lives of your parents?

23. Are you going to bring up your child differently? How?

24. Are you going to bring up your child differently from the way you were brought up? How?

25. Do you enjoy shopping?

  我們精心為大家整理的《雅思口語part2動物 雅思口語part2技巧》文章不知道大家滿不滿意,如果大家想了解更多語言培訓(xùn)相關(guān)的信息,請關(guān)注語言培訓(xùn)欄目。
本文來源: http://yangzhi902.com/news/78302.html

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