
雅思口語常用詞匯和句子 雅思口語中常用的地點詞匯和句型

2024年【出國留學(xué)】申請條件/費用/專業(yè)咨詢 >>





1. Get real!認清現(xiàn)實,別做夢了!

2. Chick 女孩

3. Man 哇塞!

4 .No way免探

5 .Have you lost it?你瘋了

6 .Rip-off敲竹竿

7. Buck元

8 .Broke沒錢

9. Window商店的櫥窗

10. Drop-dead gorgeous棒極了

11 .Holy cow 我的天啊

12. Talk about 那真是

13.Hold it down小聲點

14 .In fashion正流行

15. Burned up很生氣

16 .Bug惹煩

17. push someone’s buttons惹火對方

18. Have a screw loose頭腦有問題,短路

19 .It’s on me 我請客

20. Set foot in somewhere涉足與某場所

21. Yummy很好吃;味道不錯

22. Hello!有沒有搞錯!

23. Dough錢

24. John馬桶

25. Go to the bathroom上廁所

26. Hit大熱門;最搶眼;最搶手

27. Green新手;沒經(jīng)驗

28. Dirt閑話語言

29. Dirty joke黃色笑話

30. Bullshit鬼話連篇!

31 .Cop警察

32. Freeze!別動!

33 .Come down on someone責(zé)備;責(zé)罵;批評

34. Rag on someone責(zé)怪;責(zé)罵

35. Chicken out臨陣退縮

36. Grounded被禁止;被罰不準

37. Bummer真倒霉

38. Let someone down令人失望

39. Up to no good惹事生非

40. Dweeb笨蛋;令人討厭的人

41. Get lost迷路;走失了;走開

42. Zit青春痘

43. Hang out瞎混

44 .Hang out with...跟某人一起瞎混

45. Get on my nerves惹我厭煩;令我神經(jīng)緊張

46. Clean up one's act好好表現(xiàn);改善行為

47. Two thumbs up!非常好!

48. Hold your tongue!不要再說!

49. Take a nose dive直線下降

50. No-show失約;不來

51. Put up with something忍受

52. Bean brain蠢材;沒腦筋

53. Big-mouth口沒遮攔;大嘴巴

54. Red-hot紅得發(fā)紫;搶手

55. Hardcore!很難的課程;帥啊!

56. Out of the blue毫無來由;不知從哪里冒出來

57. Scream熱鬧;有意思

58 .Corny陳腔濫調(diào)

59. Uh, oh!唉呀!糟糕!

60 .Brother!唉呀!幫個忙!拜托


1. How many pages did you end up with? 你的(報告)最后有幾頁?

依照大多數(shù)人的習(xí)慣, 「你的報告最后有幾頁」這句話通常會把它翻譯成, "How many pages did you get finally?" 是不是啊? 但事實上如果是老美來說這句話, 他們會說的是, "How many pages did you end up with?" 也就是說, 當(dāng)老美提到「最后」這個概念時, 他們通常用的是 end up with 這個片語. 所以如果你要說, 「看了那么多的房子之后, 我們最后還是買了湖邊的那棟房子」就是, "After seeing so many houses, we ended up with buying the one on the lakeside."

所以 End up with 也有「最后有什么樣結(jié)果」的意思, 再舉個六人行 (Friends) 里面的例子, 有一次 Monica 問 Rachel 和牙醫(yī)師約會的結(jié)果怎樣? 她的回答就是, "We ended up having sex on his chair." (我們結(jié)果在他的椅子上發(fā)生關(guān)系) Monica 聽了之后差點沒昏倒. 我想大家不難從這幾個例子當(dāng)中發(fā)現(xiàn), 在許多地方用 end up with 會比 finally 來得更為恰當(dāng).

2. That project turned out to be a big flop. 那個計劃變成一個大失敗.

講到「變成...」這個動詞, become 會是許多人唯一能想到的英文翻譯. 所以這個例句許多人會翻成 "That project became a big flop." 對, 這樣講完全沒錯, 但各位下次不妨可以學(xué)老美用 turn out 這個片語來代替 become. 這樣子這個句子就會變成 "That project turned out to be a big flop." 聽起來有沒有比較順口呢?

另外老師上課時在講到數(shù)學(xué)運算時也常說 turn out 例如最常見的, "If you multiply the first equation by 2, the two equations will turn out to be exactly the same." (如果你把第一個式子乘以 2, 這兩個式子就會完全一樣.)

3. I ate salad, soup, steak and pudding. On top of that, I drank two cups of coffee. 我吃了沙拉, 湯, 牛排和布丁, 除此之外, 我還喝了兩杯咖啡.

講到除了什么什么之外, 以前老師教我們的都是 besides, in addition to (包含的除外), 不然就是 except (不包含的除外, 詳見注1) 所以這個例句一般人的講法會是, "Besides/In addition to salad, soup steak and pudding, I drank two cups of coffee." 但除了 besides/in addition to 之外, 老美也很喜歡用 on top of that 這個片語. 而且當(dāng)他們在講 on top of that 都還會特別強調(diào)加強語氣. 通常能表現(xiàn)出一種夸大的語氣來吸引聽者的注意. 比方說吧!. 「她的未婚夫不但有五棟房子和二部豪華轎車, 銀行里還有十億元的存款」在這里重點是最后的十億元存款, 所以句子這么造, "Her fiance has five houses and two luxury cars. On top of that, he has 1 billion dollars in the bank."

4. We're gonna have two parties back-to-back next weekend. 下周末我們將連續(xù)有兩場派對.

「連續(xù)」這個概念在英文中的說法有很多. 最簡單的可以用單一副詞 consecutively, 例如例句就可以翻成 "We're gonna have two parties consecutively next weekend." 當(dāng)然你也可以用片語 in a row 或是 back-to-back 來替換這個 consecutively. In a row 原意是排成一列, 例如 three days in a row 就是三天排成一列, 也就連續(xù)三天的意思. 而 back-to-back 字面上則是「背貼背」, 當(dāng)然也有連續(xù)的意思在內(nèi). 所以比方說期末考到了, 哇咧, 明天居然連續(xù)考三科. 這個用英文說出來就是 "We'll have three tests in a row tomorrow." 或是 "We'll have three tests back-to-back tomorrow."

5. I have another class right after this. 我隨后(下一堂)還有課.

我剛來美國時常被諸如, 「我隨后 (下一堂) 還有課」, 「下一輛公車隨后就到」這樣的句子困擾. 原因是我覺得「隨后」如果翻成 immediately (馬上) 似乎不太對, 但又想不出什么其它替代方案. 后來我才慢慢了解原來 「隨后」就是用 right after 或是 right behind. (單指空間上的之后) 所以要是上課時坐隔壁的不帥的男生問你, "Have a cup of coffee with me after class?" (下課后一起去喝杯咖啡嗎?) 拒絕他就是, "I'm sorry, but I have another class right after this." (很抱歉耶, 我下一堂還有課.) 或是像有時候公車擠不上去, 司機伯伯就會告訴我, "There is another bus right behind this one." (下一輛公車隨后就到.)

提醒各位, right 在英文中常常有「馬上」的意思, 例如, "I will be right back." 就是我馬上回來的意思. 所以如果你去掉 right 單說 "I have another class after this." 當(dāng)然也可以, 但意思會變成, 「我之后還有課」(也許是下一堂, 下二堂有課不一定), 但如果是用 right after this class 則很明確地指出了是「下一堂」.

6. Knock it off. I can't stand this anymore. 停止吧! 我再也不能忍受了.

「停止」這個動作在英文中有許多的表示方式, 例如最簡單的 stop 就是一例, 但是除了簡單的 stop 之外, 老美也喜歡說, "Knock it off." 或者是 "Cut it out." 例如看到兩個人在打架, 你可以趕快說, "Knock it off" 或者是 "Cut it out." 來勸他們快點住手.

Knock off 這個片語還有許多其它的用法, 像是臺風(fēng)把高壓線給吹掉了, 在這里你就可以說, "The typhoon knocked the power line off." 或是上數(shù)學(xué)課時老師說把 x 給消去, 這里的消去也可以用 knock off 喔. 造個句子就是, "If you knock off x in this equation, you will end up with the final solution." (如果你把 x 從這個式子給消去的話, 你就會得到最后的答案.)

7. How can we get through this (situation)? 我們要如何度過這個(難關(guān))呢?

講到度過某個困難的時刻, 或許你的直覺反應(yīng)是要用 pass 或是 overcome. 但是另外還有一個你想不太到的說法: get through 或是 pass through. 例如有一次我搭一個老美的車因超速被警察攔下來, 他就很緊張地說, "How can we get through this?" (結(jié)果最后他還是無助地被警察伯伯開了一張罰張.) 或是當(dāng)有人遭逢不幸, 我就會安慰人家說, "No matter what's going to happen, we will get through this hard time together." (不管再來會發(fā)生什么事, 我們都要一起過度難關(guān).)

注意一下如果是要講的是你已經(jīng)遭遇過的事情, 則過去式 got through 和完成式 have been through 同樣好用. 例如期末考好不容易結(jié)束了, 你可以松口氣說, "I'm so glad I got through finals week." (我很高興終于考完了.) 或是 "I'm so glad I have been through finals week." (強調(diào)"已經(jīng)"考完了.)

8. We have to work this problem out by tomorrow. 我們必須在明天之前解決這個問題.

講到 work out 這個動詞片語, 它在英文里的用法可是千變?nèi)f化的. 首先例如解決問題, 老美除了說 solve 之外, 也超愛用 work out 的, 所以解決一個問題你不但可以說 solve a problem, 還可以說 work a problem out. 不過有時候還要看看上下文的意思, 如果我說, "Let's work out some plans for the holiday." 這里的 work out 翻成解決當(dāng)然不太恰當(dāng), 所以你可以把它翻成「作出來」. 整句的意思就是, 「讓我們?yōu)榧倨跀M定一些計劃」

其實 work out 不單單可以代表「解決」 (solve) 的意思, 或是「作出來」的意思. 它還可以代表「成功」(succeed). 例如你寫了一個程式, 但你不知道能不能成功地執(zhí)行, 你就可以說, "I don't know if this program is gonna work out." (我不知道這個程式會不會成功.) 或是男女朋友交往, 但你覺得你們倆個人不可能有結(jié)果, 這句話就是, "I don't feel this relationship is gonna work out."

當(dāng)然啦, 許多人都知道 work out 還可以代表運動 (exercise) 的意思. (但通常是指在健身房所作的運動), 所以從這里不難看出老美其實很喜歡用一些很簡單的單字, 例如 work out 就可以用來替換比較難的 solve 或是 succeed.這也算是美國口語上的一種趨勢吧!

9. I have to work on your name. 我必須練習(xí)(發(fā)出) 你的名字.

講到這個趨勢, 那我再考考大家知不知道 practice (練習(xí)) 這個字可以用什么字來代替? 想到了沒? 答案是用 work 就可以代替 practice 喔! (通常 work 之后會再加上介系詞 on, 成為 work on something) 像是有一個老美問我叫什么名字, 我告訴他我叫 "Kun-Lin" 結(jié)果他發(fā)了兩次都發(fā)不對, 自己就笑了笑說, "Sorry, I have to work on this one" 其實他想說的就是, "Sorry, I have to practice this one." (很抱歉我必須練習(xí)一下.) 的意思啦!

跟 work out 一樣, work on 用在不同的地方就有不同的意思. 像是你去餐廳服務(wù)生要收盤子時就會問, "Are you finished or still working on it?" (你吃完了嗎? 還是要繼續(xù)用?) 所以在這里 work on 可以當(dāng)「吃」解釋. 但是如果你到醫(yī)院去, 聽到有人說, "The doctor is still working on his patient." (醫(yī)生還在醫(yī)治他的病人). Work on 在這里又成了治療 (heal) 的意思. (這個 work on 在這里如果翻成 「吃」就太可怕了吧! ) 但是我想告訴大家, 雖然 work out 和 work on 在不同的場合有不同的解釋, 但大家不必去死記每一種的解釋, 只要看一下上下文, 通常他們的意思都很明顯.

10. I really need to kick back during the holiday season. 我假期時真的需要好好放松一下.

最后講到 relax 這個字, relax 在口語中可以代換成 kick back. 聽來是不是有點奇怪呢? 但這真的是蠻流行的講法. 例如我在廣播上常聽到, "Kick off your shoes and kick back for a while." (脫掉你的鞋子, 好好地放松一下自己.)

Kick back 這個片語還有許多其它的意思, 但都跟字面上的意思「踢回去」有關(guān). 例如報復(fù) (revenge). "The United States decided to kick back after the incident" (事件發(fā)生后, 美國決定要報復(fù).) 或是像拿回扣也是用 kick back 喔, 例如, "The company had to kick back a lot to the corrupt officer." (這家公司必須給腐敗的政府官員很大一筆傭金)



Right in the center 市中心

In the suburb/ outskirts 在郊區(qū)

Spacious 寬敞的

Cramped 狹窄的

Detached house 獨立別墅

High-rise flats 小高層

Cosmopolitan/ Modern metropolis國家大都市

Picturesque 風(fēng)景如畫的

Hustle and bustle 城市喧囂

Historic architecture 歷史建筑

Stunning views 非常棒的景觀

a fast-growing city in the world 發(fā)展很快的城市

Green spaces and parks 綠地和公園


Within walking distance of shops, restaurants, and bars 距離商店,飯店酒吧只有步行的距離

Two -thirds of the city comprised of water and green space 城市三分之二是水和綠地

Give its residents an amazing high quality of living and safety 居民有高質(zhì)量的生活和安全感

……. Is home to such iconic structures as (the opera house) 有一些標(biāo)志性建筑

draws so many people from the world 吸引了很多國外的有課

the city is well-known for its easygoing lifestyle, sophisticated culture, and world-class restaurants 城市因為輕松的生活方式,深厚的文化和頂尖級的餐廳而聞名

…….. (Playing chess) Is an integral part of the city’s street culture ……是城市街道文化非常重要的一部分

…… is home to the most vibrant economies on the planet …... 有全球具有活力的經(jīng)濟

……. Is popular for it location and modern infrastructure 因為位置和現(xiàn)代的基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施而有名

good transport links to the city center 去市中心交通十分便利

Is very desirable for its Beautiful architecture and views 因為建筑和景觀而聞名

Combine fantastic waterfronts with generously-sized parks, top-notch restaurants, and cultural musts, making them truly wonderful places to live, work and visit 把水邊和公園,一流的酒店,文化圣地結(jié)合在一起,適合人們生活,工作和旅游。

地點類題目是雅思口語一直高頻的題目,例如之前的某場口語考題中出現(xiàn)了 describe a city you have visited, describe a place away from home where you stayed, describe a place you visited to learn another culture, describe a park/garden you visited and liked that impressed you .



1. 背景介紹

Paris is the largest country in the Europe, it has beautiful countryside.


Eiffel tower is the most-visited attractions. I have heard a lot about Louvre which has some of the famous works of art.

3. 特色介紹

It has delicious food such as the frog legs. You can sit in the café of the restaurant and people watching. It is famous for its historic architecture. The public traffic is so great so metro goes everywhere.




?首先:Firstly, First of all, What I want to mention firstly is that….., Tostart with, To begin with, For one thing, My first point is that…..

?其次:Secondly,In the next place, Moreover, My second point (reason) is that….

?第三:Thirdly, Furthermore, Besides

?最后:In the end, Finally, Lastly, In the end, My last point (reason) isthat…, Last but not the least



最簡單就是so, because, 如果想避免重復(fù),使自己的回答更加出彩,我們還可以使用這些:due to, because of, owing to, thanks to, as a result of, inconsequence of, on account of,in view of, hence, therefore, thus, accordingly和consequently等。在口語中,有的時候一些nativespeaker會用cause或者coz來代替 because,在口語考試中這種非正式用法可以使用,但是切記不要使用的過于頻繁。



Although,Though, Regardless of. Even if, Even though, As long as等



Although,Despite, However,In spite of, Instead, Nevertheless, On the contrary , Otherwise, Though , While,Yet



not only…but also,as well(as),at the sametime,besides,further more, in addition(to),like wise ,more over,worse still


Another point I would love to say is that…

On top of that I can also add that…

And I shouldn't forget to mention that …

In addition to what I’ve just said, I can add that…

Apart from what I’ve mentioned, another key point is that



that ,who ,which, when ,where



On the other hand ,while ,Whereas, Incontrast, On the contrary



like ,such as ,Take...forexample , In some cases , and stuff like that , and things like that , or something like that


as well , as well as , in terms of, instead of , rather than



tend to ,basically , actually?


Speaking of; talking about; when itcomes to; as far as s concerned.; as regards ; regarding; 通常用于幫助提示轉(zhuǎn)移話題,或轉(zhuǎn)換另一個角度或方面。

例1:Speaking of those old people who live alone, I guess their childrenwould support them financially, and visit them on a regular basis.

例2:As for how I felt about our city museum, I think it servessignificant purpose as far as education is concerned.

  我們精心為大家整理的《雅思口語常用詞匯和句子 雅思口語中常用的地點詞匯和句型》文章不知道大家滿不滿意,如果大家想了解更多語言培訓(xùn)相關(guān)的信息,請關(guān)注語言培訓(xùn)欄目。
本文來源: http://yangzhi902.com/news/77939.html

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