
雅思口語(yǔ)萬(wàn)能開(kāi)頭句 雅思口語(yǔ)常用表達(dá)

2024年【出國(guó)留學(xué)】申請(qǐng)條件/費(fèi)用/專(zhuān)業(yè)咨詢(xún) >>






1. This is a tough question. I have never heard about it, nor have I ever read about it (倒裝句豐富句型).

2. Give me a few seconds for me to search every piece of information in my head now.

3. It is an abstract question. I know little about it.

4. Are you asking me something about+你重復(fù)一下句子中的關(guān)鍵詞…?

5. Have I given enough information? It would be great if you could give me more.

6. Am I making myself clear?

7. Now you want me to talk about it. But I don't have too much to say.

8. Give me a few seconds for me to organize my thought a little bit.



1.“ well”

2.“you know”


4.“I mean”


6.“to be honest”

7.“on the other hand”

8. “frankly”

“as a matter of fact”等等,這些表達(dá)也叫discourse marker (語(yǔ)篇標(biāo)記),也就是并不改變句子本質(zhì)意思的語(yǔ)言填充物。這樣的表達(dá)也是我們雅思官方評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)里面有明確要求的。它們可以幫助我們爭(zhēng)取思考的時(shí)間。




1) 場(chǎng)景一,當(dāng)你沒(méi)有聽(tīng)懂時(shí),可用:Could you please paraphrase (轉(zhuǎn)述)that question/topic?/I’m not exactly sure what you mean +某一個(gè)生詞…或者當(dāng)你聽(tīng)到這個(gè)詞不是很確定其意思的時(shí)候也可以用。


2) 場(chǎng)景二,當(dāng)你對(duì)考官所提問(wèn)的內(nèi)容不熟悉或完全沒(méi)有聽(tīng)說(shuō)過(guò)時(shí),可用:

I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but perhaps+加點(diǎn)你知道的一點(diǎn)皮毛,或是你聽(tīng)別人說(shuō)的而已

That’s rather difficult question, but I wonder if could give me more information about that.

I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…




I prefer A to B because ...

If I have a choice,I would ...(a real possibility)

If I had a choice,I would ...(not a real possibility, just wishing)

For me, A is much more attractive / interesting / preferable than B because ...

I would much rather do / have / eat / listen to / blah blahblah A than B ...

2. 比較和對(duì)比

A is much better / worse than B.

A is not nearly as good as B.

A is not quite as important as B.

A is almost as tall as B, but not quite.

When I compare these two items, it's clear that ...


Maybe, Perhaps, Possibly

One possibility that I can think of is ...

Another idea to think about is ...

clusion that ...

I've never thought about this question much before, but it seems to me that ...


The reason I believe this is ...

The most important evidence supporting my belief is ...


I'm not sure what might happen, but one possibility is ...

It's hard to predict the future, but I suppose it / we might ...

7. 分析

There?are?several?points?to?consider,?first?of?which?is ...

We?can?break?this?question?down?into?several?parts.?First ...

Let's?look?at?this?step?by?step.?To?begin?with ...






I’m afraid that’s about as much as I know.

I think that’s all.

I can’t think of anything else right now…

Is there anything else you wish to know?


That's very kind of you. Thank you.

Thank you very much for giving me information.

Well, thanks for talking to me and I wish you all the best.

Thank you, sir?

Nice talking to you.

I appreciate your talking with me. Goodbye.

I enjoyed talking to you.

It is been very helpful talking to you.



What I mean to say is ...

What I'm trying to say is ...

Another way to put it is ...

In other words, I am…

And that means…

Let me put it another way,…

What I’m suggesting is…

All I’m trying to say is…

What I’m getting at is…

If I can rephrase that…

Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying…

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say…

The point I’m making is that…


雅思口語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)的方法有很多,比如找外教。雅思找到一個(gè)專(zhuān)業(yè)的外教進(jìn)行練習(xí)還是很有必要的。分享一下小編在用的app:留小留,可以隨時(shí)和世界各地的Native Speaker進(jìn)行一對(duì)一的口語(yǔ)對(duì)練,里面有很多專(zhuān)業(yè)的雅思外教可以選擇,而且還有前雅思高級(jí)考官,強(qiáng)烈建議考試前跟雅思考官模擬測(cè)試一下。這個(gè)軟件用起來(lái)就跟打微信語(yǔ)音/視頻電話(huà)一樣,質(zhì)量很清晰。這個(gè)是最讓小編感到意外且性?xún)r(jià)比超級(jí)高的一個(gè)APP了。小編長(zhǎng)期練習(xí)的一個(gè)外教陪練是英國(guó)的Leila,她不僅口音純正,而且人超級(jí)nice,她本人還是一個(gè)攝影師,小編也經(jīng)常跟她交流攝影方面的技巧。



1) which 從句——6分保底。


a. 修飾先行詞:

例:Where are you from?

I’m from Shanghai,which is the biggest city in China, located in the east coastal area.

這里的which修飾的是先行詞Shanghai。大家可以把這個(gè)句子背下來(lái),因?yàn)樵诳谠嚠?dāng)中,問(wèn)到where are you from?的可能性還是很大的。其實(shí),除了這個(gè)題目外,還有很多題目的回答可以用到這個(gè)句式,大家可以具體去發(fā)現(xiàn)。如:what’s your favorite dish? 答:My favorite dish is Stirred-fried shrimps, which is a Shanghainese local specialty。

b. 修飾整個(gè)意群:

例:How do you think about your job?

My job is really boring, you have to do the same thing everyday, which is one of the major reasons leading to the loss of motivation.

這是一個(gè)7分的句式,因?yàn)閣hich修飾的是整個(gè)意群(上面修飾先行詞為6分),即:My job is really boring, you have to do the same thing everyday,能夠體現(xiàn)出考生靈活使用復(fù)雜句式的能力。沒(méi)有大局觀的人,是很難把這個(gè)句子說(shuō)對(duì)的。在這種情況里,which一般翻譯為:這(種情況、事情......),起到總結(jié)歸納的作用。如:Our government has realized the problem and is taking constructive measures to deal with it, which is a good sign, but if we don’t do it in a scientific way, I’m afraid the consequence could still be lethal. 政府已經(jīng)意識(shí)到這個(gè)問(wèn)題,正采取措施解決,這是個(gè)好兆頭。但如果我們措施不夠科學(xué),恐怕結(jié)果依然是致命的。

2) 間接引語(yǔ)——簡(jiǎn)單,但是好用。

例:Why did you choose that major?

I chose that major because I thought it would lead to a secure job. As well as that,......

I thought it would lead to a secure job就是間接引語(yǔ),大家以后碰到這個(gè)問(wèn)題,可以用該句式來(lái)回答。除了這里,只要是涉及到解釋過(guò)去的事情都可以用。如:I shared the toy with my friends whenever they came to my house, because I thought they would like it, and they actually did(part2 describe a toy in childhood)。又如:Everytime I went to the museum, I would always bring a note book with me, because I thought I shouldn’t miss anything.


例:If I hadn’t got his advice on how to prepare for IELTS tests, I’m sure I would have met with big problems(part2 describe a piece of advice).


If....hadn’t.......I’m sure/ afraid... would/wouldn’t have happened。翻譯成中文,是:如....不發(fā)生的話(huà),我確信/恐怕....會(huì)發(fā)生。它的前后兩部分都是虛擬語(yǔ)氣,表示假設(shè)發(fā)生過(guò)的事情如果沒(méi)有發(fā)生,結(jié)果會(huì)怎么樣。例句可以用到part2 describe a piece of advice,其實(shí)除了這個(gè)話(huà)題外,我們還有許多地方可以用到它。大家不妨翻譯以下句子,把它們背下來(lái)用用: a)如果那天我沒(méi)有跟他散步,我相信我英語(yǔ)不會(huì)取得如此大的進(jìn)步(part2 a walk)。

b)如果沒(méi)有去長(zhǎng)城,我相信我不會(huì)如此深入了解長(zhǎng)城的歷史(part2 a historical site)。

  我們精心為大家整理的《雅思口語(yǔ)萬(wàn)能開(kāi)頭句 雅思口語(yǔ)常用表達(dá)》文章不知道大家滿(mǎn)不滿(mǎn)意,如果大家想了解更多語(yǔ)言培訓(xùn)相關(guān)的信息,請(qǐng)關(guān)注語(yǔ)言培訓(xùn)欄目。
本文來(lái)源: http://yangzhi902.com/news/77346.html

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