
雅思口語??荚掝}素材 雅思口語評分標準

2024年【出國留學(xué)】申請條件/費用/專業(yè)咨詢 >>







Describe a person who helps to protect the environment.

You should say:

Who this person is.

How this person protects the environment.

What difficulty this person has faced.

And explain how you feel about this person.


Describe a childhood friend of yours that you remember well.

You should say:

who this person is;

when and where you met him/her;

what you did with your friend;

and explain how you felt about the friend.


Describe a talkative person you know.

You should say:

who he or she is;

how you got to know him or her;

what he or she likes to talk about;

and how you felt about the person

And explain what you want to do with this person.


Describe a teenager you know.

You should say:

Who this teenager is.

How you know this teenager.

What this teenager likes to do.

And explain how you feel about this teenager.


Describe someone you haven't seen before but you would like to know more.

You should say:

Who the person is.

How you knew about the person.

What you want to know.

And explain why you would like to know.



Describe an important decision you made with the help of other people.

You should say:

When it happened.

Who helped you to make the decision.

What the decision was.

And explain how you felt about it.


Describe a time you changed your plan.

You should say:

what the plan was;

why you changed it;

what you did instead;

and explain how you felt about changing the plan.


Describe a time when you helped someone.

You should say:

who you helped;

how you helped him or her;

why you helped him or her;

and explain how this person benefited from your help.


Describe a time when you had some medicine.

You should say:

When it happened.

Who gave it you.

Why you had it.

And explain how you felt about it.


Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your free time.

You should say:

What the activity is.

How often you do it.

How you would like to do it.

And explain why you would like to do this activity.


Describe something interesting that your friend has done but you haven't.

You should say:

what it was;

when your friend usually did it;

where your friend did it;

and explain why it was interesting.


Describe a recent event that made you happy.

You should say:

what event it was;

when and where it happened;

what you saw or did;

and explain why this event was enjoyable.


Describe a time you borrowed something from your friends or family.

You should say:

What it was.

When you borrowed it.

Whom you borrowed it from.

And explain why you borrowed it.


Describe something you do that helps you concentrate on your work or study.

You should say:

?what it is;

?how you do it;

how often you do it;

and explain why you think it helps you concentrate.


Describe an occasion when you were scared.

You should say:

When it happened.

Where you were.

Why you were scared.

And explain how you felt about it.


Describe a time you lost something important.

You should say:

what you lost;

how you lost it;

what you did after you lost it;

and explain how you felt about losing it.


Describe a trip you took by public transport.

You should say:

when and where you went;

why you chose this form of transportation;

what you did or saw on the trip;

and explain how you felt about the trip.


Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet.

You should say:

When it happened.

What you were looking for.

Where you were searching on the Internet.

And explain how you felt about the information.


Describe a time when you received money as a present.

You should say:

Who gave it.

When you received it.

What you did with it.

And explain how you felt about it.


Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home.

You should say:

?When it would be.

?How you would like to go there.

?What you would do there.

And explain why you would like to go there.


Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result.

You should say:

When it happened.

Who you complained to.

What you complained about.

And explain why you were satisfied with the result.



Describe a street market where you like to go shopping.

You should say:

where it is;

how often you go there;

what you buy there;

and explain why you like to shop there.


Describe a quiet place you visited.

You should say:

where it was;

when you went where;

what you did there;

and explain how you felt about visiting that place.


Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it was easy for you to study.

You should say:

Where it is.

When you go there.

What you study there.

And explain why you would study in this place.


Describe an interesting part of your country.

You should say:

Where it is.

How you got to know about it.

What it is famous for.

And explain why you think it is interesting.



Describe the last book you read.

You should say:

What type/kind of book it was.

What it was about.

Where you read it.

And explain how you felt about the book.


Describe something you made that you gave to other people.

You should say:

What it was.

What it was like.

Who you gave it to.

And explain how you felt about it.


Describe an important plant in your country.

You should say:

What it is.

Where you see it.

What it looks like.

And explain why it is important.


Describe a piece of clothing you wear on special occasions.

You should say:

what the occasion was;

what you worn;

where you bought the clothes;

and what other people at the occasion thought of your clothes.


Describe a song that is meaningful to you.

You should say:

what song it is;

when you first heard it;

what the song is about;

and explain why it is meaningful to you.


Describe an interesting animal you like.

You should say:

where you learned about this animal;

what it looks like;

where it lives;

and explain why you like this animal.


Describe something of yours that you would like to replace.

You should say:

?what it is;

?what you use it for;

?how long you've had it;

and explain why you would like to replace it.


Describe your first mobile phone.

You should say:

when and where you got it;

who gave it to you;

what it looked like;

and explain what difference it made to your life.


Describe something given to you that you really need.

You should say:

What it is.

Who gave it to you.

Why you need it.

And explain how you felt about it.


Describe a time that a place of equipment of your was broken (such as TV).

You should say:

What the equipment was.

When the problem was.

What you did after it was broken.

And explain how you felt about it.



Describe a sport you watched and would like to try.

You should say:

what sport it is;

how you got to know it;

whether it is difficult to do;

and explain why you would like to try it.


Describe a good law in your country.

You should say:

What it is.

How you knew it.

Who it affects.

And explain why you think it is good.


Describe a family business you know.

You should say:

What the business it is.

How you know it.

What products it sells.

And explain how you like it.


Describe a useful website that you often visit.

You should say:

what the contents of this website are;

?how you first found it;

?how often you go to visit this website;

and explain how this website helps you.


Describe a game that you played in your childhood.

You should say:

What the game was.

When you played it.

Who you played it with.

And explain how you felt about the game.


Describe an interesting job you would like to do.

You should say:

what job it would be;

what qualities are required for this job;

whether it would be an easy job to do;

and explain why you would like to do it.


Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh.

You should say:

What the program is.

When you watched it.

Who you watched it with.

And explain why it made you laughed.





? ? 【8分】

? ? ? ?該分數(shù)段的考生通常能夠以正常語速流利地進行口頭表達,偶有重復(fù)或自我糾正。如有猶豫,通常是在尋找思路,而不是在搜尋詞語或語法形式。講話有條理,觀點明確,表達連貫,話題闡述充分。能夠運用十分豐富的詞匯手段討論各類話題,用詞自然、準確,符合語言習(xí)慣,偶爾出現(xiàn)用詞錯誤;如有必要,能夠很好地變換措辭。能夠運用十分豐富的語法結(jié)構(gòu),多數(shù)語句表達正確,只是偶有錯誤。發(fā)音整體上自然、清晰,只是偶有小的問題。發(fā)音通常易于理解,其口音對內(nèi)容理解的影響非常小。8.5分的考生能夠更好地運用和展示這些口語技能。

? ? ?【7分】

? ? ? 該分數(shù)段的考生通常能夠輕松進行口頭表達,語音清晰、內(nèi)容詳盡,會有些重復(fù)、自我糾正或因搜尋詞語或語法形式出現(xiàn)猶豫。講話大體上有條理,觀點大體明確,表達整體上連貫。能夠運用豐富的詞匯手段討論廣泛的話題,能夠使用一些不常見的詞匯或習(xí)語,盡管并非始終準確無誤。如有必要,能夠很好地變換措辭。能夠使用多種語法結(jié)構(gòu),雖有一些錯誤,但表達通常正確。發(fā)音大體上自然、清晰,偶有問題。發(fā)音通常易于理解,其口音對內(nèi)容理解的影響不大。7.5分的考生能夠更好地運用和展示這些口語技能。

? ? ?【6分】

? ? ? 該分數(shù)段的考生通常能夠進行詳盡的口頭表達,會因重復(fù)、自我糾正或因搜尋詞語或語法形式時的猶豫致使表達有時不夠清晰、流利。講話大體上有條理,觀點表達大體連貫,但會出現(xiàn)一些錯誤。有足夠的詞匯量進行話題討論,內(nèi)容清晰、詳盡,雖會經(jīng)常出錯,通常能夠很好地變換措辭。能在有限范圍內(nèi)使用簡單和復(fù)雜的語法結(jié)構(gòu)。使用較為復(fù)雜的結(jié)構(gòu)時,可能會經(jīng)常出錯,但其語言通常易于理解。發(fā)音清晰、有效,但可能存在問題。雖然有時單詞發(fā)音不清晰,但通常易于理解。6.5分的考生能夠更好地運用和展示這些口語技能。

? ? 【5分】

? ? ? ?該分數(shù)段的考生通常能夠持續(xù)地進行講話,但常常出現(xiàn)重復(fù)、自我糾正、放緩語速,或因搜尋詞語或語法形式而猶豫。講話并非始終清晰、有條理,經(jīng)常過度使用某些連接詞或短語。能夠流暢地談?wù)摵唵卧掝},但在談?wù)撉肥煜ぴ掝}及運用相對陌生的語言時,可能會出現(xiàn)問題。有足夠的詞匯量來談?wù)撌煜ず湍吧脑掝},但詞匯范圍有限,經(jīng)常出錯,且變換措辭的能力有限。能夠相當準確地使用簡單的語法結(jié)構(gòu),也能使用為數(shù)不多的復(fù)雜語法結(jié)構(gòu),但通常會出錯,可能令人費解。發(fā)音清晰、有效,但經(jīng)常出錯,有時造成理解困難。5.5分的考生能夠更好地運用和展示這些口語技能。

? ? 【4分】

? ? ? 該分數(shù)段的考生通??梢猿掷m(xù)地講話,但有諸多明顯停頓,語速可能緩慢,可能經(jīng)常出現(xiàn)重復(fù)或自我糾正。僅能做到基本連貫,有時表達難以聽懂或理解。有足夠的詞匯量來談來熟悉的話題,但頻繁出錯;對陌生話題僅能表達基本意思。極少嘗試變化措辭。有時能夠準確使用基本的語法結(jié)構(gòu),但極少使用復(fù)雜的語法結(jié)構(gòu)。語法錯誤頻出,可能會引起誤解。發(fā)音問題較多,單詞發(fā)音經(jīng)常出錯,給聽者造成理解困難。4.5分的考生能夠更好地運用和展示這些口語技能。

? ? 【3.5分及以下】

? ? ? 該分數(shù)段的考生通常交流能力非常有限,僅能做出有限、基本的回應(yīng),可能會頻繁出現(xiàn)長時間停頓。僅能使用基本詞匯和語法,錯誤頻出。僅能說出背記的短語或個別單詞。發(fā)音會造成相當大的理解困難。


雅思找到一個專業(yè)的外教進行練習(xí)還是很有必要的。分享一下小編在用的app:留小留,可以隨時和世界各地的Native Speaker進行一對一的口語對練,里面有很多專業(yè)的雅思外教可以選擇,而且還有前雅思高級考官,強烈建議考試前跟雅思考官模擬測試一下。這個軟件用起來就跟打微信語音/視頻電話一樣,質(zhì)量很清晰。這個是最讓小編感到意外且性價比超級高的一個APP了。小編長期練習(xí)的一個外教陪練是英國的Leila,她不僅口音純正,而且人超級nice,她本人還是一個攝影師,小編也經(jīng)常跟她交流攝影方面的技巧。


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本文來源: http://yangzhi902.com/news/77211.html

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