
托??谡Z考試怎么考 托福口語考試評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)

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第三、四、五,六道題均為綜合題。第三題和第四題是集合了讀,聽,說的形式。閱讀時間為45秒,聽力時間為60秒-120秒,準(zhǔn)備時間為30秒,回答時間為60秒。也就是先閱讀一篇文章,聽一篇文章,然后回答問題。閱讀材料為一個自然段,75-100個單詞,聽力材料是兩個學(xué)生的對話,是對閱讀材料中提出的問題的評論。第四題就是學(xué)術(shù)題,學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)方面的,閱讀材料為75-100個單詞的長度學(xué)術(shù)性材料,聽力材料是老師的課堂講解??忌梢栽诼犱浺舻倪^程中做筆記來幫助答題。 第五題和第六題集合了聽、說的形式。相比第三、四題少了一份閱讀材料。聽力時間為60秒-120秒,準(zhǔn)備時間為20秒,回答時間為60秒。第五道題是聽力材料題。它是一道情景題,是學(xué)生之間關(guān)于學(xué)習(xí)生活中涉及的任意話題的對話。第六道題是學(xué)術(shù)題,內(nèi)容可如歷史課老師在講課等,考生可以在聽錄音的過程中做筆記來幫助答題。



TOEFL IBT Speaking Scoring Rubric

Independent Tasks (Questions 1 and 2)


General Description: The response fulfills the demands of the task, with at

most minor lapses in completeness. It is highly intelligible and exhibits?sustained, coherent discourse. A response at this level is characterized by all?of the following.

Delivery: Generally well-paced flow (fluid expression). Speech is clear. It?may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation?patterns, which do not affect intelligibility.

Language Use: The response demonstrates effective use of grammar and?vocabulary. It exhibits a fairly high degree of automat city with good control?of basic and complex structures (as appropriate). Some minor (or systemic)?errors are noticeable but do not obscure meaning.

Topic Development: Response is sustained and sufficient to the task. It is?generally well developed and coherent; relationships between ideas are clear (or?clear progression of ideas).


General Description: The response addresses the task appropriately, but may?fall short of being fully developed. It is generally intelligible and coherent,?with some fluidity of expression though it exhibits some noticeable lapses in?the expression of ideas. A response at this level is characterized by at least?two of the following.

Delivery: Speech is generally clear, with some fluidity of expression,though minor difficulties with pronunciation, intonation, or pacing are?noticeable and may require listener effort at times (though overall?intelligibility is not significantly affected).

Language Use: The response demonstrates fairly automatic and effective use?of grammar and vocabulary and fairly coherent expression of relevant ideas.?Response may exhibit some imprecise or inaccurate use of vocabulary or?grammatical structures used. This may affect overall fluency, but it does not?seriously interfere with the communication of the message.

Topic Development: Response is mostly coherent and sustained and conveys?relevant ideas information. Overall development is somewhat limited, usually?lacks elaboration or specificity. Relationships between ideas may at times not?be immediately clear.


General Description: The response addresses the task, but development of?the topic is limited. It contains intelligible speech, although problems with?delivery and/or overall coherence occur; meaning may be obscured in places. A?response at this level is characterized by at least two of the following.

Delivery: Speech is basically intelligible, though listener effort is?needed because of unclear articulation, awkward intonation, or choppy rhythm?pace; meaning may be obscured in places.

Language Use: The response demonstrates limited range and control of?grammar and vocabulary .These limitations often prevent full expression of?ideas. For the most part, only basic sentence structures are used successfully?and spoken with fluidity. Structures and vocabulary may express mainly simple?(short) and/or general propositions, with simple or unclear connections made?among them (serial listing, conjunction, juxtaposition).

Topic Development: The response is connected to the task, though the number?of ideas presented or the development of ideas is limited. Mostly basic ideas?are expressed with limited elaboration (details and support). At times relevant?substance may be vaguely expressed or repetitious. Connections of ideas may be?unclear


General Description: The response is very limited in content and/or?coherence or is only minimally connected to the task, or speech is largely?unintelligible. A response at?this level is characterized by at least two of the following.

Delivery: Consistent pronunciation, stress, and intonation difficulties?cause considerable listener effort; delivery is choppy, fragmented, or?telegraphic; frequent pauses and hesitations.

Language Use: Range and control of grammar and vocabulary severely limit?(or prevent) expression of ideas and connections among ideas. Some low level?responses may rely heavily on practiced or formulaic expressions.

Topic Development: Limited relevant content expressed. The response?generally lacks substance beyond expression of very basic ideas. Speaker may bunable to sustain speech to complete task and may rely heavily on repetition of?the prompt.



2、答題時寧過勿缺,但如果最后差幾秒又實在想不出,則可說:That’s about it 或是 That’s everything I can say about this topic之類的句子。


4、多用習(xí)語,口語詞,gonna,wanna,thatal = that will,有的詞讀的短而快,有些則長而慢,注意語音語調(diào)的變換。

5、一開始不要說出絕對數(shù)字,而說a few points,這樣可以防止說不完。



8、3,4題中如果多說閱讀中的內(nèi)容會被減分,不要有什么in the reading passage之類的話。

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本文來源: http://yangzhi902.com/news/76615.html

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