
雅思口語介紹你喜歡的活動 雅思口語話題收集技巧

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Part 2

Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your free time (new)

You should say:

What the activity is

How often you do it

Where you do it

How you do it

And explain why you would like to do this activity


How do you usually plan your free time?

Do young people in your country work longer hours now than in the past?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of flexible work time?


When I was alone in spare time, I chose to build Lego.Lego which made up of many colored squares is a model such as cars, boats, animals, etc.Usually the model contains more than 200 small squares and needs to follow the instructions to assemble.


I usually do it once a month. Because Lego releases new models every month. I am big fan of colleting Lego models. There is a cupboard in my living room, and I coulddisplay the Lego models.Every time I built Lego in my living room, I am willing toseeingmy works. One day, one day, I tried to build Lego containing 2000 pieces. It took me 2 days to read the instructions, and also took me 5 days to finish the Lego.During I built Lego,many times I want to give up. Finally, I finished and saw a Lego castle built by myself.


In the process of Lego, I learned a lot of new ideas. First, Lego has brought me a lot of sense of achievement. Every time I share the finished Lego with my friends, they praise it beautiful. Second, Lego exercised my patience. Sometimes I do something wrong because of impatience. Therefore, in the process of composing Lego, I learned to calm and patiently complete it. These new ideas arereasonwhy I like to build Lego.




How do you usually plan your free time?

First, I will ask my friends who has free time to go out. Then we will discuss what activity is. Usually we like to watch the movies, play basketball or hiking. When we confirm the activity, we will come out for a meal. During a meal, we can also talk about hot news or gossip.


Do young people in your country work longer hours now than in the past?

Right, many young people like to work overtime. First, many companies pay overtime wages, and young people want to earn more money by working overtime. Second, young people love learning skills, and they want to learn more work knowledge by working overtime. Third, young people will spend more time to complete tasks because of lack of experience.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of flexible work time?

People could arrange work depended to their habits, and it can improve efficiency. Because some people work very efficiently in the morning, but some people work efficiently at night. Flexible working time can satisfy everyone's work needs. However, there are some disadvantages in flexible working time. Everyone has their own working hours, which leads to a lack of solidarity. If a company needs to complete a task within a specified time, employees will have different schedules due to different working time. At this time, employees will blame each other.




其次,如果確實(shí)對于某個話題感到無話可說,我們可以借助現(xiàn)在最為發(fā)達(dá)的網(wǎng)絡(luò)平臺來尋找答案。例如在準(zhǔn)備describe a park這道題目的時候,南京同學(xué)往往會將目標(biāo)鎖定在Xuan Wuhu lake park上,所以我們會聽到許多同學(xué)描述完全相同的事物,如There's a zoo indside of it, and there're different kinds of animal in it, such as…這樣的描述確實(shí)難以令考官產(chǎn)生興趣。那么如果我們借助網(wǎng)絡(luò)來搜索答案,又可以得到什么結(jié)果呢?在Google或者維基百科(Wikipedia)中,我們輸入關(guān)鍵詞 Disneyland, California, 就能得到全部的關(guān)于加州迪斯尼的資料。從這個公園產(chǎn)生的背景,到這個公園各個部分的簡介。比如關(guān)于其中一個叫做 Redwood Greek Challenge Trail的景點(diǎn),我們得到了以下信息:


Redwood Creek Challenge Trail (opened February 8, 2001) : A play area for kids, featuring a Mount Shasta wilderness-like setting and suspension and wire bridges. It also features rock climbing and a Brother Bear scene cave. It is also designed for adventurous adults。


Well, I don't have a certain favorite attraction in particular, but if I have to say, I'd probably say it is Redwood Creek Challenge Trail. Actually, it's a play area for kids but it also attracts a young adult like me for its design. It is a mount shape background with a exciting suspension and wire bridge, and also a cute brother bear cave which even fascinates a lot of adults。

不難看出,在雅思口語考試話題中,上面一段口語答案和關(guān)于Xuan Wuhu Lake Park的描述,無論從評分的哪個角度,都是關(guān)于Disneyland的這一段獲勝。


第一、搜索的關(guān)鍵詞要具體不要抽象。如果搜索describe a park,就不如搜索一個具體的公園Disneyland得到的信息多;






Describe an object (a gift, something you use etc.)


Describe a person (someone you admire, a family member etc.)


Describe an event (a festival, celebration etc.)


Describe an activity (e.g. a hobby)


Describe a place (somewhere you visited, a holiday etc.)


Describe your favourite (book/film/advertisement/website)


Most questions fit into one of these topics. For example, "Describe a river, lake or sea which you like" is number 5 - you could describe a holiday by the sea, or a city with a river.


那么,怎么具體地用6大基本話題法來來準(zhǔn)備口語的話題呢?其實(shí),主要要做的工作,就是搜集整理“theme vocabular”主題詞匯。


For example, here are some ideas for a description of an interesting city:

例如,在準(zhǔn)備Describe a place下的話題時,我們可以選擇一個比較熟記的話題describe an interesting city,有哪些不錯的詞匯可以用來描述城市的好呢。

lively, bustling, hectic, thriving

cosmopolitan, multicultural

fascinating, unique

a special atmosphere

sightseeing, entertainment

an unforgettable experience

enjoyed every minute

the time flew by

endless things to see and do

it was over too quickly


About the "describe an activity" topic. You might be asked to describe a hobby, sport or game, so it's a good idea to be ready for this topic.


My approach is to prepare ideas for one sport (e.g. swimming) and one game (e.g. chess). I start with a simple idea, such as "swimming is healthy". Then I search for good words and phrases related to this theme. For example:

我的復(fù)習(xí)方法是準(zhǔn)備好一項(xiàng)運(yùn)動(比如游泳)和一項(xiàng)游戲(象棋)。從一個*簡單的想法開始,比如“游泳是一項(xiàng)很健康的運(yùn)動”。然后我就開始與這個主題相關(guān)的搜集好的詞匯和短語。"Swimming is healthy" theme:

keep fit

get in better shape

a good cardiovascular workout

feel refreshed, rejuvenated, invigorated

gives me an energy boost

Can you think of any more words and phrases for this theme?童鞋們,你能找到更多么?


雅思口語考試的話題涉及非常的廣泛,幾乎生活中見到的事物、事件都可以考查,因此雅思口語話題的大量練習(xí)是必不可少的,雅思口語找到一個專業(yè)的外教進(jìn)行練習(xí)還是很有必要的。分享一下我在用的app:留小留,可以隨時和世界各地的Native Speaker進(jìn)行一對一的口語對練,里面有很多專業(yè)的雅思外教可以選擇,而且還有前雅思高級考官,強(qiáng)烈建議考試前跟雅思考官模擬測試一下。這個軟件用起來就跟打微信語音/視頻電話一樣,質(zhì)量很清晰。這個是最讓我感到意外且性價比超級高的一個APP了。我長期練習(xí)的一個外教陪練是英國的Leila,她不僅口音純正,而且人超級nice,她本人還是一個攝影師,我也經(jīng)常跟她交流攝影方面的技巧。


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本文來源: http://yangzhi902.com/news/75163.html

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